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June Z-Cafe

Z-Park's June Investor Breakfast Meeting Z-Cafe was successfully held at the Boston Innovation Center at 8 am on June 11th. The main topic of the meeting was Collaborating with Robots/Machines which attracted much attention in the community.

After having a delicious breakfast, both startups and investors introduced their companies and products. This month, we had Yrobot to join our meeting, a wearable robotics company that building more effective, affordable and light-weight assistive walking devices to improve the mobility of elders and stroke survivors.  The CEO and founder, Ye presented the principles of their products and the application and development in the future medicine and healthcare industry. 

We were also delighted to have another robotics company, Dexai to share their knowledge with us. It focuses on the automation solution, called Alfred that can work in any food-making environment. 

The last section of our breakfast talk was Panel Discussion. Four speakers discussed the challenge of collaborating with robots and machines and shared their insights with the audience. The co-founder and CFO of Dexai, Anthony mentioned that some voice said the food-making robots replaced a part of the labor force, but there were just a few people who were willing to do these repetitive and unskilled jobs. The invention of Alfred filled the vacancy of unskilled cheap labor in the market and helped companies reduce the cost and increase productivity. 

2019 InnoSTARS Boston 

Organized by UCIA(U.S.-China Innovation Alliance), InnoSTARS Boston preliminary stage was hosted at Z-Park Innovation Center on July 8, 2019.


There were about 20 companies participated in the competition and finished their pitches in front of the judges and audience including industry experts, investors and CEOs. These boston-based companies showed their innovative ideas and products in healthcare, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, AI, and new materials, which brought the audience an amazing technology feast. 

Finally, three top-scoring companies won the opportunity to go to China and compete against others in semi-finals and finals in Oct and Nov 2019. 

As the co-organizer of InnoSTARS Boston, we also generously extended a special offer to all participants, judges, and speakers who attended the 2019 InnoSTARs Competition with 5 free access every month to open desk at Z-Park Innovation Center at Boston one year since the competition finished. 

CEIBS Insights | The 3rd US Forum

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and Z-Park Innovation Center held The 3rd U.S. Forum in Boston on May 15, 2019. More than 200 experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, senior executives gathered to discuss digital innovation and explore the way to establish new frontiers for the global economy. 

Some of the speakers are Prof. Dipak Jain, President (European) and professor of Marketing at CEIBS, Max Tegmark, Professor of Physics at MIT, Ming Qiao, CEO of Z-Park, Xiande Zhao, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at CEIBS, Kristian J. Hammond, Bill and Cathy Osborn Professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University. 

In the beginning, Prof. Jain welcomed everyone who joined the forum, and then he analyzed the future trend of the global business and how education in management would be affected by the change. He believed that the four factors of a successful global economy can be concluded as DIET: Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technology. 

In the round table discussions, these experts and scholars talked about what might the next foray be for both U.S. and Chinese e-commerce companies, how the focus on user experience in the U.S. will intersect with the Chinese firm's focus on retail, the lesson we can learn from Chinese fintech companies, and if fintech companies should prudently stick to financial services or shift their focus to new technologies and an improved user experience. 

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